Meet Lynn…
Lynn is a modern mystic with almost 30 years’ experience as a healer, coach and meditation teacher, and these skills provide the foundation for the remarkable transformations for which her bespoke retreats are known.
With a corporate background in Events Management, her deeply philosophical Sagittarian nature has always been fascinated by all things mystical, and her initial explorations into such topics began in London’s renowned College of Psychic Studies.
Thereafter, she began meditating at London’s Buddhist Centre, and from there, her formal training in healing and energy work was under the auspices of the Healing Trust – one of the world’s most highly respected and professional healing organisations.
She has also trained in other healing modalities such as Reiki, and has studied numerous teachings and spiritual paths, including Astrology, the Kabbalah and the Tarot, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Tantra, Hypnotherapy, Sacred Space Clearing and Crystal Healing. She is also an accredited Firewalk Instructor.
Such training has been under the tutelage of contemporary spiritual luminaries and energy masters as well as sages and shamans in exotic rainforests, including the late Balinese medicine man Ketut, who was featured in the movie, ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, with whom she was invited to study in 2014 after having given him healing whilst she was living in Bali.
Lynn’s work is both spiritually and energy-based, and she sees people in a way they have probably never been seen before, profoundly with acceptance and compassion. Her healing reconnects them with their essence, to engender the vitality and wholeness that catalyses satisfying relationships, meaningful work and vibrant, healthy lives.
She views life challenges or states of dis-ease of mind, body or spirit as a call for inner and outer metamorphosis. Her ability to tune into the soul’s blueprint and teach clients how to dissolve the energy blocks for themselves is her own brand of energy alchemy that has resulted in many client testimonials that speak of life changing outcomes.
In 2018, she created The Bespoke Retreat Company to deliver a genuinely transformative healing experience within the restorative power of Nature, weaving environment with a personalised therapy mix to create the magical synergy which characterises her unique retreats.